Civil Defence this Organization is a sincere effort to reach out to people and let them know about the Civill Defence, its Structure and Functions. Major aim is to motivate people to join civil defence and serve the country.

The Civil Defence Cell is a large organization of volunteers who are dedicated to serve society during calamities in order to save lives and property and mitigate hardships. It is an example of National integration where people from various communities in the country irrespective of their creed or cast, join hands for a common cause and that is to serve their fellow citizens in the times of distress arising out of calamities’. Both men and women work shoulder to shoulder.

What is Civil Defence It is the mobilization of Civilian efforts to avoid and minimize the suffering to human beings caused either by man or nature.

When does Civil Defence operate It is an organization that never sleeps. In times of calamity it goes into action and in the times of peace it also goes into actions such as training and practice to learn modern tactics and keep the skills sharp. Civil Defence operates at time of calamities & social activities at difficulty times.

Civil Defence Organization is a voluntary organization being run For the People-By the People, with a complete support from Government.